Elementary School

Elementary School

New Students!
Come and be a part of the Irish Tradition!
Go to our website at 
SpringfieldCatholic.org to submit an inquiry form, select “Admissions” and “New Families” or you can call 417-887-6056.

SCS Employment Opportunities
To submit an application or to get additional information, go to 
SpringfieldCatholic.org click “About” and “Employment Opportunities” and then select the applicable position.


Established in 2005, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Elementary School is the newest addition to the Springfield Catholic School System. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to fostering academic and spiritual leadership in our students, preparing them for a bright future.

Nurturing Holistic Growth:
We focus on the holistic development of our students—spiritually, socially, physically, and academically.

Comprehensive Curriculum:
Offering classes for preschool, Pre-K, and K-8th grades, our curriculum covers religion, English, mathematics, social studies, science, computer skills, music, physical education, Spanish, and art. The integration of Catholic faith with academic excellence is a cornerstone of our approach.

Extracurricular Opportunities:
Beyond academics, we provide extracurricular activities, service projects, and leadership opportunities, empowering students to develop skills and attitudes that will make a positive impact in God's world.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School is accredited by the National Federation of Nonpublic Schools State Accrediting Associations.

Join us in shaping future leaders with a strong foundation in faith and knowledge! 

Please visit our school's website for more information about our academic and spiritual curricula.
Request a tour by calling the school office, 417-887-6056.

Consider Catholic schools for the children you know and love! For more information, visit our Website at 

SEAS School Volunteer Opportunities: Reading to children, lunchroom helper, recess volunteer, early-morning helper, teacher workroom assistant, etc. A background check and VIRTUS class is required by the diocese to work with children. The hours and days can vary. Contact the School Office, 887-6056 or email JoAnne Bailes, jbailes@scspk12.org

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