

Confirmation Preparation Programs

Are you or someone you know ready to embark on the journey of Confirmation, a significant step in the Catholic faith journey? St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish offers comprehensive preparation programs designed for different groups within the community.

Confirmation One:
- Eligibility: Students in 7th grade or older.
- Details: This program is for students interested in beginning their preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. Students attending a Catholic school are exempt from weekly classes during their 7th grade year but will receive a schedule of special sessions to attend.

Confirmation Two:
- Eligibility: Students in 8th grade or older.
- Details: This program is tailored for students preparing to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation. It is open to Catholic school students, public school students, and homeschool students.

Adult Confirmation:
- Eligibility: Adults seeking to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation.
- Details: If you are an adult interested in receiving the sacrament of Confirmation, kindly call the Denise Dumars, PSR office at 417-887-6472, ext. 610, and register for the preparation sessions.

For more information and to get involved, please refer to the PSR (Parish School of Religion) HERE or reach out to the parish office. Confirmation is a sacred milestone, and these programs aim to enrich the faith journey of individuals at different stages of life.

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