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Explore the diverse Community Outreach opportunities at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church and consider contributing your gifts to these meaningful initiatives.
How You Can Contribute:
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Manages the SEAS food pantry, offering groceries, financial aid for rent/utilities, and building personal connections. Pantry open every Wednesday, with USDA distribution on the 2nd Wednesday.
Stephen Ministry:
Trained volunteers provide one-on-one emotional support. Confidential, free service. Weekly meetings with care receivers.
Care Receivers Tell Their Stories
| Stephen Ministry in Catholic Churches
Comforts from the Heart Quilters: Crafts quilts for those in need, donated to 24 agencies. Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 10 AM - 2 PM at the American Legion.
Holy Sews Ministry: Creates burial clothing for infants lost during gestational weeks 16-25, supporting grieving families. Volunteer opportunities available for sewing and other tasks.
Facility & Landscaping Volunteers: Assist with parish garden maintenance, indoor cleaning, and biannual clean-up events.
Sacred Heart Cold Weather Shelter: Provides shelter for homeless men on the coldest nights. Volunteers needed for meal service and overnight shifts.
Cards for the Homebound: Volunteers send cards to shut-in parishioners. Contact Sr. Bernadette to participate.
Avenues of Care: Provides short-term assistance such as meals and transportation to parish members in need.
Rosary Makers: Makes and repairs rosaries for various groups and missions. Meets Tuesdays, 10 AM - Noon.
Tight Knit Group: Meets Wednesdays at 12 PM to knit and connect. Open to all.
Funeral Dinners: Volunteers provide casseroles for parish funerals. Contact the Parish Office to assist.
Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon: AA meetings offered multiple times weekly. Al-Anon for those affected by someone else’s alcoholism meets Sundays, 8 PM.
Gamblers Anonymous:
Weekly meetings for those seeking support in overcoming gambling addiction. Meets Mondays at SEAS and Thursdays at The Venues Church.
2200 W. Republic Rd.
Springfield, MO 65807
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